Tankless Water Heater Myths
If you think it’s time to replace your current water heater, you may want to consider upgrading to a tankless model. The best plumbing companies will agree that a tankless water heater is the better choice. A new tankless water heater can last up to 30 years. If you’re considering a tankless water heater installation in Appleton, WI, read the article below to learn more about tankless water heater myths.
Myth: Easy To Switch to a Tankless Water Heater
Most homes in Appleton, WI are over 10 years old, so it’s likely that your water heater has a storage tank. Going from a storage-tank water heater to a tankless water heater is harder than it looks. Tankless water heaters burn fuel with coal. As a result, the construction phase for a tankless water heater can also require work on the gas lines to ensure that the device receives adequate gas supplies.
In addition, extra work might also be needed to equip your home with the necessary ventilation to guide the exhaust gasses outdoors. Therefore, it’s not recommended that you swap out your water heater yourself. Contact Tureks Plumbing Services for professional tankless water heater installation.
Myth: The Water Is Instantly Hot
A lot of people had the idea that a tankless water heater is comparable to instant hot water in your showers or faucets. Yes, it’s accurate that the tankless device heats up the water as it’s switched on. But, the water also has to pass through the plumbing in your home until it’s sent to the working plug. Essentially, it would take almost the same time for hot water to enter the tap as it does from the storage water heater. If you want to shorten the waiting period for you to finally use hot water, you may want to look at a circulating system installation in combination with your tankless machine to hold hot water continuously accessible in the pipes for immediate supply.
Myth: Require an Annual Inspection
One of the benefits of a tankless water heater is skipping annual inspections! There’s no maintenance timeline for a tankless water heater. Our friends at McQuillan Bros, a plumbing company in Stillwater, say that it really depends on the hardness of the water. The harder the temperature, the faster the mineral deposits can build up in the water heater. Your tankless water heater will force much of this through the system, but if there’s a build-up, the scale detector program will send you an error message, and then you’ll need to have it serviced by a professional plumber.
Myth: Not Enough Water
As we mentioned above, most homes have a storage-tank water heater. Therefore, switching to a tankless water heater creates a common misconception that there’s a lack of hot water. “Not the case at all. The water is heated when it moves through the unit. So, you don’t need to worry about not getting enough hot water,” says Ed Tureks from Tureks Plumbing.
Contact a Plumbing Company in Fox Valley
Need water heater services in Appleton, WI? Tureks Plumbing is happy to help! Our team of professional, licensed, and insured plumbers can service, repair, and install your water heater. We’ve been serving the Fox Valley and surrounding areas for over 20 years. Contact us today for a water heater estimate or if you need residential plumbing services or commercial plumbing services.