Tureks Plumbing Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Mold’

How to Keep Mold From Coming Back

Thursday, November 29th, 2018

how to keep mold from coming back

How to Keep Mold From Coming Back

It doesn’t matter where you live, mold will follow you anywhere that accumulates moisture. Your bathroom, for instance, is a perfect environment for mold to grow. After you take a bath or shower, water is left on the walls and tile. You may try cleaning it up, but it keeps on coming back. So what should you do? Well, mold can cause major damage to your walls, ceilings, floors, countertops, etc., which can leave you no other choice but to remodel. Regardless of where it is, it’s neither safe or healthy. It’s important to get rid of mold as soon as you notice it. In this article, plumbing experts at Tureks Plumbing Services explain how to get rid of the mold in your home for good.

What is Mold?

When battling mold in your home, it’s important to have a basic understanding of what it really is. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is a type of fungi that can be found indoors and outdoors. Fungi are known for being able to survive very harsh surroundings, which is why it is a common household problem. Once the species has found an optimal environment, such as water damage from leaky pipes, it will multiply and continue to grow. Many people have mold allergies and will experience asthma symptoms. To keep you and your family safe from developing respiratory illnesses, it is important to eliminate the moisture in that environment so the fungi can no longer survive.

How to Prevent Mold From Growing in Your Home

Since we know exactly what mold is and what it’s capable of doing, there are a few simple tips you can follow to keep it from spreading throughout your home. Since mold can be commonly found in bathrooms, it’s easiest if you start in there. Try the suggestions below to prevent mold in your bathroom and other areas in your home.

Use a Ventilation Fan or Buy a Fan

Where there’s moisture, there’s mold. The best way to eliminate moisture is to make the area dry again. Many bathrooms have ventilation fans that vent to the outside to help get rid of the accessive moisture. If you don’t have a ventilation fan you can always purchase a regular fan to dry the space. Run your fan for at least a half an hour after your shower.

Squeegee Please

We’ve all gone without squeegeeing our shower or bath. We get it, it’s a boring and annoying task but if you take a few minutes to do it, you will reduce the moisture in the bathroom by ¾. It’s definitely worth it!

Fix The Leaks

Leaks cause moisture to accumulate and over time mold will grow. If you want your house to be mold-free, you need to fix the leaks right away. Contact your local plumber in Appleton, WI and they will gladly fix your leaks and any other plumbing problems you may have.

Keep Your Bathroom Clean and Dry

A clean bathroom makes it harder for mold to survive. If you clean your bathroom and wash used towels and rugs weekly, your bathroom will stay nice and clean – fungi hate that. The cleaner the better! While you’re cleaning your bathroom. Remove loofahs, sponges and other products from the shower so they can dry.

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How to Prevent Mold in Your Home

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

Molds are the last thing you want to have in your home. They are health hazards and do nothing good to the look of a house. Worse, they are hard to remove, especially if your home is already teeming with them.

In such instances, you will have to hire professionals to get rid of your mold problem.

You can avoid all the health concerns and other issues that come with having molds in your home by preventing their growth in the first place. Here are some tips on how to prevent molds in your home:

Identify possible problem areas

It can be hard to have a mold-proof home. But you can start doing this by inspecting all areas of your house and finding out which ones are often damp and wet.

The most common rooms and parts of your home where molds will likely grow are the:

  • Bathroom
  • Kitchen
  • Basement
  • Ceiling

If there are leaks, or if these areas are often damp or wet, have the issues fixed immediately to prevent future mold problems.

Make cleaning a priority

To keep molds at bay, always vacuum and keep your home clean, especially the areas that generate a lot of moisture such as the bathroom and kitchen. Use disinfecting cleaning products on non-porous surfaces such as tiles and stones to discourage mold growth.


When you have a tidy room, your cooling system will have an easier time circulating air. The opposite happens when you have a messy room. This is because clutter obstructs airflow and prevents your HVAC system from circulating air. This, in turn, allows the room to accumulate moisture which encourages mold growth.

As such, get rid of things you don’t need or want anymore. Consider rearranging your furniture as well if they are positioned near vents and grilles, or covering them, to keep air circulating.

Keep your home well-ventilated

Poor ventilation in damp spaces like bathrooms and kitchens can leave moisture behind that can encourage mold growth. As such, wipe the kitchen sink after using it and keep the bathroom door open after bathing to speed up the drying of surfaces.

You can also use fans to ensure proper ventilation in these rooms. However, make sure the fans take moisture outside and not into attics. Our friends at Gilmore Solar, Heating, & Air, recommend searching for an HVAC company near me for professional help.

Handle water leaks and flooding issues immediately

Lastly, have water leaks in your roof, windows or any other part of the home repaired by experts as soon as possible. Keep in mind that constant leaks cause moisture to build up and enable molds to grow.

If you encounter any flooding problem in your home, make sure you have this issue fixed immediately. Thoroughly wash, disinfect and dry soaked carpets, padding, and wet upholstery before using them again. Contact Tureks Plumbing Services if you need assistance.

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