Tureks Plumbing Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘kitchen remodel’

Best Time of Year for Home Improvement Projects

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

The Best Time of Year for Home Improvement Projects

You are not alone if you have an extensive list of home improvement projects that you are eager to get underway. As you may already know, it isn’t advisable to get all those projects started at the same time. You can plan the work in accordance with the most appropriate time for each project.

Seasonality and the weather are factors that Turek’s Plumbing Services, the best plumbing company in Appleton, Wisconsin, recommends as a way to prioritize different home remodeling projects as detailed below.

Kitchen Remodels

The kitchen is justifiably called the heart of any home, so planning to remodel this space is perfectly understandable. Not only will you increase the value of your home, but you will also make the kitchen customized to your style.

In terms of timing, kitchen remodels are best started in summer, according to Appleton kitchen remodel experts. You can plan your vacation so that you are away while the bulk of the work is done. The indoor nature of the work saves the contractor’s team from the hot weather outdoors. 

Sacramento, CA construction company, Headwaters Construction suggests saving costs by scheduling the kitchen remodel towards the end of summer when contractors’ schedules aren’t so tight.

Bathroom Renovation

Bathroom renovation can also boost the value of your home, so it is a good investment to undertake. Appleton, WI bathroom remodel professionals recommend that bathroom renovations be done during summer or early fall. Scheduling the project out of season may result in some cost savings. A typical bathroom remodel costs approximately $8,820.

Home Additions/Upgrades

If you are planning to go big on home improvement, then a home addition maybe for you. A lot of care is needed for projects costing $38,500 or more. In terms of timing, winter is a no-no for a home addition, particularly if foundation work is involved. The experienced plumbers and technicians in Appleton, WI recommend that you undertake this project in late spring or early fall. This carries the risk that work may still be ongoing during holiday festivities, so proper planning is needed to avoid such an eventuality. Our friends at LMS Garage Doors, who repair and replace garage doors, say that replacing your garage door can significantly increase the value of your home.

Deck Installation

Many homeowners are exploring the possibility of deck installation or deck expansion in order to have more access to the outdoors. A lot of people believe this project should be undertaken in summer, but such timing means that one will not enjoy the deck during this season. A better time to install a deck is towards the end of fall or early in spring. This way, the deck will be beckoning when summer sets in! The bonus of this timing is that you could also get some good deals since you will have the work done during the off-season.

HVAC Repairs

This may not be what comes to mind when you think about home improvement projects. However, this activity is a necessary to keep your home comfy throughout the year. If possible, have your home heater maintained just before summer. Also, you should repair the AC during winter when it isn’t needed. This off-season timing will help you cut costs, and technicians will be readily available. Don’t delay to call a professional should your HVAC system develop a defect during temperature extremes.

In-Ground Pool Installation

In-ground pools can cost approximately $44,575. It is important that your timing is perfect if you want to keep this cost low. Most people have their pools installed in summer, and that sets them up to incur premium labor costs since demand is high at that time. Turek’s Plumbing Services recommends that you go against the norm and have your in-ground pool installed in autumn. This will be a slower process but worth it in cost savings.

Tuckpointing and Masonry Work

As the weather changes during the year, brickwork and masonry can develop cracks. Foundation problems and water leaks may result, so you don’t want to put off this project when these defects develop. 

If you have the luxury to select the timing of the repair, spring is the best time for tuckpointing and masonry work. During fall, contractors are preoccupied with fixing chimneys, so it is harder to get hold of the best pros. Additionally, spring offers suitable weather conditions for mortar and concrete to set.

Timing is of the essence if you are planning a home improvement project. The wrong timing can make the work harder to execute, or it could even make the project more costly. It is therefore best to plan ahead, wherever possible, and select the most suitable time for each project on your list. At Turek’s Plumbing Services, we have amassed experience in undertaking kitchen remodels, bathroom remodels and plumbing works, among other types of home remodels. Contact Appleton, WI plumbing service and we will be happy to make your dream come true![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Choosing the Best Kitchen Countertops

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

Choosing the Best Kitchen Countertops - Kitchen remodel Appleton WIKitchen Remodeling: Choosing the Best Kitchen Countertops

One way to transform your kitchen in a big way is by replacing your kitchen countertops. Stop to think about how much wear and tear your countertops go through. No wonder there are so many stains and scratches. So, now that you know your countertops need some love, you’re probably wondering what the next steps are to replacing them. Let’s start off with fun stuff: choosing the best kitchen countertops. Yes, choosing the best kitchen countertops can be a daunting task because there are so many options to choose from! Don’t worry, home remodel experts at Tureks Plumbing are here to help!

Quartz Countertops

Quartz closely resembles stone but isn’t as demanding to maintain as natural stone is. This type of material is a combination of different minerals, resins, and colors. For this reason, you can find quartz countertops in different colors or patterns that closely mimic marble or granite. Home remodel contractors in Appleton, WI add that marble resists abrasive pads, stains, serrated knives, and hot pans very well. Quartz countertops make an excellent choice for your kitchen since the countertop will last longterm. 

However, the corners and the edges of this type of countertop are prone to chipping, and you will need expert help to fix such damage. Tureks Plumbing Services, the best kitchen remodel company in Appleton WI, recommends that you select a countertop that comes with rounded edges to reduce the likelihood that the edges will chip.

Granite Countertops

The beauty of granite countertops is that each slab will be unique from all others, so you can be sure that any granite countertop that you buy and install will be one of a kind. Expect to pay more for those countertops whose vein patterns or colors are even rarer. 

Granite has made a name for itself as a material that does a good job of resisting scratches, cuts, and heat. According to home remodel experts in Appleton, WI, granite countertops with a matte or polished finish perform even better in terms of resisting stains.

Nevertheless, you will need to regularly reseal the granite countertop if it is to retain its stain-resistant attributes. Tureks Plumbing Services also cautions that granite countertops are prone to chipping on the edges, so you are better off selecting one that has round edges to reduce this risk. If the countertop chips, ask a professional to fix the damage.

Limestone, Marble and Soapstone Countertops

Soapstone is rarer than granite, so that alone makes this an attractive material if you would like your kitchen to be really unique. Kitchen remodel companies in Appleton, WI, explain that soapstone is also excellent at resisting being damaged by heat. If the countertop is scratched, the damage can be fixed by sanding the affected part and then applying mineral oil there.

Marble and limestone are classic materials that have stood the test of time as countertops, so you won’t go wrong if you opt for them. Additionally, limestone looks like natural stone, although these countertops don’t have the veining or grain patterns of other forms of natural stone, such as granite. Marble and limestone also resist heat damage. Headwaters Construction Inc, a commercial construction company, adds that marble countertops are by far the most popular choice. 

As for the drawbacks, soapstone can be scratched, become nicked, or cut easily. Additionally, some stains are hard to wash off the surface of the countertop. This shortcoming is also present in marble and limestone. Marble is also particularly prone to heat damage, according to the kitchen remodel experts at Tureks Plumbing Services.

Laminate Countertops

Laminate countertops have come a long way over the years, and they are more attractive than they were in the past. Many kitchen remodel contractors say that laminate countertops are one of the most affordable options, and they are easy to install, so you may think of them if your budget is tight.

Laminate countertops can also resist stains and heat damage. However, laminate can suffer permanent damage if cut directly, so the kitchen renovation professionals at Tureks Plumbing Services recommend that you use a cutting board to prevent such damage.

Solid Surfacing

Solid surfacing is available in a huge array of patterns and colors. This material can be put to use on the backsplash, sink, and counters. It creates a seamless look since the joints between different segments are almost invisible. 

Solid surfacing is also resistant to the majority of stains, while small nicks and scratches are easy to repair. Make sure you use a cutting board to protect your countertops.

Recycled Glass Countertops

When you want a countertop that is fun and looks contemporary, then go for a recycled glass countertop that has large shards. If you prefer a more muted look, then opt for a countertop that is made from ground glass. Most recycled glass countertops have the ability to resist heat, scratches, stains, and cuts. 

However, the experts at Tureks Plumbing Services have observed that the quality of these countertops tends to vary from one manufacturer to another, so you need to do your due diligence before selecting a product.

Bucher Block

This material can make your kitchen look warm and cozy, and it is also easy to install or repair. Kitchen remodel professionals point out that different finishes come with their own pros and cons.

For example, penetrating oil finishes reduce the stain resistance of the material while varnish increases stain resistance. You should carefully weigh the available options and select what will address your specific needs.

As you can see, there is generally there’s not too much of a difference between countertops. If you are considering a kitchen remodel, contact Tureks Plumbing Services. Our home remodel contractors are waiting to help you through the process.

Interested in our home remodeling projects? See what projects we’ve been working on.

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Signs your Kitchen Needs a Remodel

Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

Signs your Kitchen Needs a RemodelSigns your Kitchen Needs a Remodel

Your kitchen can be more functional today than when it was originally designed. The kitchen is often said to be the heart of your home. Most families use the kitchen for more than just preparing food and cleaning utensils. It is a gathering place where some of the most important moments in your family take place. This makes the kitchen one of the most important rooms in your house.

Over time, however, kitchens can become less functional than originally designed, especially if your family gets bigger. To ensure that your kitchen space can accommodate all these uses without you having to expand the space is a science we have perfected. When it comes time to remodel of your kitchen you will know, but just in case here are a few hints.

How can you tell that your kitchen needs remodeling?

There are a number of factors you need to consider before having an Appleton Kitchen remodel. They include:

Traffic Overflow in the Kitchen

You might have an easier time running your kitchen at the beginning if you have fewer people in it or if you are alone. But if you keep bumping into one another in the kitchen as your family grows, it is probably time to call in a Fox Cities Kitchen Remodeling Company.

Faded Counters and Cabinets

Kitchens are supposed to be inviting for everyone. They should have inviting colors and good lighting to create a cheerful ambiance. These tend to fade with time, so if you find your kitchen feels depressing, it might be time to remodel. Replacing faded countertops and outdated kitchen cabinetry might be the kitchen makeover boost you need to love the space again.

Wear and Tear on an Outdated Kitchen

Broken kitchen cabinet doors, failing taps, peeling paint, failing built-in kitchen appliances. All these can deprive your kitchen of the level of efficiency you used to enjoy at the beginning. They could also cause accidents. Such damages are a good reason to remodel your kitchen.

Have Your Kitchen Floors Become A Cleaning Menace

Cleanliness is one of the most important things you need to maintain in your kitchen. It is also important to ensure that your kitchen can be cleaned easily. However, if you find it increasingly hard to clean it, especially because of the wear and tear, or because there is too much clutter, it could be the best time to think of remodeling. Kitchen floors that are worn down and not easy to clean tend to be an issue for many.

Kitchen Functionality Issues

Kitchens tend to lose their functionality with time. Equipment and appliances that used to work a few years ago might be outdated and less effective. You might also find yourself with a kitchen that cannot accommodate your newest additions due to its interior design. Your remodeling company will offer you great services.

Pantry Storage Problems

Does it take you ages to locate things once they get into the kitchen? This is usually caused by a crumpled up kitchen. It affects efficiency and makes it harder to clean. Remodel your kitchen so that there is more storage space.

Before embarking on a remodeling exercise, have a kitchen remodeling checklist to go through to help you make a decision. This helps you decide the minor and major changes to effect in order to make your kitchen more comely. Feel free to consult with Tureks Plumbing services as well for professional plumbing services.

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How to Remodel Your Kitchen

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

tureks plumbing services how to remodel your kitchenIt can be hard for an inexperienced person to know what steps to take once they have decided to remodel their kitchen. Consequently, the risk of overlooking something important is high, and this can throw the entire project in disarray. Tureks Plumbing Services offers the following tried and true steps that you can follow to make sure that the entire kitchen remodel project goes like a charm.

Decide How You Want to Use the Kitchen After the Remodel

Think about the lifestyle of your household for a moment and note down how exactly you want to use your kitchen once it is remodeled. For example, what kind of layout do wish to have? How many people do you expect to work or gather in your kitchen? Is your current kitchen large enough or you may need to build an addition to it? What kitchen features and appliances would you like to have? Plumbers in Appleton, WI recommend that homeowners gather pictures from different sources. This could be an interior design magazine and compile them in a scrapbook so that these pictures can be used when fine-tuning the final features and look of the kitchen.

Work Out the Scope and Budget of the Remodel

The next step that you should take after getting a rough idea about what you want is to write down the different tasks that have to be done during the project. This is technically called a scope of work. For example, the scope of work can include installing new floor tiles, replacing the existing faucets, and repainting the walls. Along with this scope of work comes a budget. So, you also need to think about how much you are willing to spend on the entire project.

Home remodel contractors in Appleton, WI experts reveal that the scope of work and budget you generate at this point is unlikely to be the final since many changes will be made as you verify the costs of different items and adjust the scope of work within the budget available.

Identify the Professionals You Will Need

Depending on the nature of the work you’re wanting in your kitchen remodel project, you are likely to need the service of different professionals ranging from an interior designer, architect, plumber, and a general contractor or builder.

Tureks Plumbing Services recommends that you involve these chosen professionals as early as possible during the remodeling project so that they can help you with getting the needed permits and advise you on the selection of different materials.

Agree on a Schematic Plan

The next big task that you have to pay attention to is the schematic plan of the project. Home remodel contractors in Appleton, WI caution that homeowners should resist from obsessing with what their kitchens will look like during this process. Only because you can detract from the necessary details of deciding the floor plan and other decisions regarding the sizes and locations of different appliances or features. The schematic is important because it organizes what will go where so that there is room for everything, and it all fits together.

Talk to the Fox Valley plumber you are working with about ordering different materials since the lead times may vary. You also don’t want to work to stall while the professionals wait for the ordered items to be delivered.

Specify Finishes and Fixtures

The next step in the process of the remodel entails specifying what fixtures and finishes you want for your kitchen. This is the point at which all those photos you have been collecting become valuable. From those photos, you need to select one overall style for the kitchen, such as the traditional, classic, cottage, or modern kitchen style.

Once that is done, move on to selecting the different fixtures and their finishes. For example, you may want a granite countertop, matte black faucets, colored floor tiles, and a glass backsplash. Maybe you want to include home automation in your kitchen? Our friends at Specialized AV, a company that offers smart home automation services in NorCal, say it’s an upgrade every homeowner should consider. Be detailed in specifying exactly what you want because the decisions that you make at this point will determine the final appearance of your kitchen once the remodel is completed.

Finalize Designs and Construction Documents

Now is the time to finalize the designs (floor plans, mechanical and electrical drawings, etc.). Headwaters Construction Inc., a Sacramento construction company, says that these final drawings will determine what the contractors will include in their bid for the project in the next step of the kitchen remodel process. Tureks Plumbing Services also adds that the final drawings made at this stage will be submitted to the authorities for any needed permits or approvals before the work begins.

Receive Bids and Select a Contractor

If you hadn’t hired a contractor, now is the time to receive bids from about three contractors and then select one whose bid is the most competitive. At this point, you can still change some of the materials and finishes if the costs quoted by the contractors exceed what you had expected. For example, you can change from a granite countertop to faux granite without changing the overall desired look of your kitchen, according to experienced Fox Valley plumbers.

Get Ready for Demolition Work

If your kitchen remodel includes extensive work, such as demolishing sections of the existing walls, you need to plan for this disruptive activity. For example, plumbers in Appleton, WI, recommend that you prepare alternative space where you will be preparing your meals since the kitchen is likely to be unusable during this phase of the project. Some people even temporarily move while the remodel is undertaken. Talk to your contractor and get ideas on how to prepare for the demolition, and indeed the entire remodel.

Prepare Your Punch List

When the kitchen remodel is nearly complete, you need to observe everything carefully and identify all the little details that haven’t been attended to as required. For instance, there could be a spot that needs touching up with paint, or a cabinet handle that doesn’t work, or even a scratch on an appliance. The list of these items is called a punch list. Give the contractor this list and let them come back to address those little details. Don’t think that the contractor is negligent for not seeing and correcting those issues.

Once the punch list has been addressed, you are ready to start using your newly remodeled kitchen! Tureks Plumbing Services is always available to provide routine maintenance so that plumbing issues don’t detract from your enjoyment of the visual and functional aspects of the remodeled kitchen, so get in touch today![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Top 10 Tips for Increasing Your Home’s Value

Friday, June 28th, 2019

top tips for increasing your homes valueIf you aren’t planning on staying in your home for the rest of your life, you may want to consider remodeling or making improvements to the property. Here are 10 of the most powerful ways to increase the value of your home as revealed by the plumbers from Tureks Plumbing Services. This list was created after compiling the views expressed by the homeowners who talked to these plumbers as plumbing work was being done on the property.

Pay Special Attention to the Kitchen

Regardless of how enthusiastic or lukewarm you are about cooking, a home’s kitchen is sure to be a popular room in your home. The greatest return on investment can therefore be obtained by making improvements to the kitchen in your home. Those improvements can be as small as replacing a broken faucet, or as comprehensive as installing new appliances or new cabinets. If you remodel your kitchen, potential buyers will be impressed with what you have done and your home will stand out from all the others on the market in your area.

Don’t Neglect the Bathroom

The bathroom is an essential part of one’s home. So, you can bet that your bathroom will play a role in determining whether a potential buyer will love or hate your home. This relatively small space can be upgraded by simply giving it a new coat of paint or installing a new vanity and other fixtures. The plumbing experts at Tureks Plumbing Services can take a look and advise on what needs urgent attention for an incredible bathroom remodel.

Curb Appeal and First Impressions…

What a potential homebuyer sees first once they approach or step onto a property forms a lasting impression that is hard to shake off. Make that first impression count in your favor by improving the curb appeal of your property. Fix any damage to the walkways, give the exterior walls a fresh coat of paint and keep the lawn well-tended. If you want to buy new plants for the yard, be careful and select only those which won’t be difficult to maintain since the cost of maintaining those plants may discourage some potential buyers.

Go for Energy-Efficiency

You can’t go wrong today if you choose to implement upgrades that make your home more energy-efficient. These upgrades can vary from switching to energy-efficient LED bulbs to installing a solar system on the roof. We asked our friends at Gilmore Heating & Air, a Placerville heating & air company, about energy-efficiency HVAC systems. The HVAC professionals agree that energy-efficiency is the way to go, especially if you’re looking to sell your house. A new HVAC system is what people often look for when buying a home. The improvements that you make will attract those who are conscious about the environmental footprint of their homes.

Repaint the Entire Home

One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to improve the appeal of your home is by repainting the entire property. However, you should be mindful that your personal color preferences may not mirror those of other people, so select colors which are less likely to put off a lot of people. Neutral colors, such as cream and off-white tend to have a bigger appeal than shouting colors, such as red or purple. Go for lighter colors and you will increase the pool of the people who will fall in love with your home when they view it.

Get as Much Storage as Possible

No one will ever say that a home has too much storage space for their needs. Just think about it, wouldn’t you do with a little more storage space in your home right now? As you remodel your home, think of all the creative ways through which you can increase the storage capacity of that home. For example, plumbers in Appleton, WI have seen homeowners singing the praises of how helpful the pullout storage underneath the stairs is. If you can create more storage space, homebuyers will love your home.

Custom Closets for the Master and Mistress of the Home

No homebuyer will not have a big smile on their face when they see a large walk-in closet in the master bedroom. If you don’t already have one, make this your number one upgrade for the master bedroom. The beauty of getting this luxury is that you can see what is available on the market and select what is within your budget. The next person to live in that home will be glad you invested in those custom closets.

Make the Home Look Larger

Perception plays a big role as homebuyers are making a decision on whether to acquire the home or not. For that reason, it is wise for you to think of ways to make each room look larger than it may be in reality. One way to achieve this perception of spaciousness is by selecting furniture whose dimensions are ideal for the space available. Furniture that is too large for a room can make that room appear to be smaller than it is.

Maintain the Character of the Home 

Not everyone is looking for a home that is decked out in the latest fashion. As you may know, tastes and preferences differ, so your home built in accordance with an older tradition may be a gem if you get vintage furniture for it during the remodeling project. That may just be the home someone has been looking for, and you will smile all the way to the bank if you ever decide to sell it.

Have the Home Organized Professionally

You may be amazed by what a professional organizer can do when you ask them to organize your home just before potential buyers come to view it. Professionals can put everything in its place and leave the home looking clutter-free. The way the home is organized will give buyers an idea of how to organize their belongings once they move in, and that unconscious impression may tip the scales in your favor.

As you can see, there is no shortage of design tips if you want to remodel your home with the intention of catching the eye of future homebuyers when you finally decide to put the home on the market. Needless to say, our experts at Tureks Plumbing Services will be available to help with any plumbing issues during your home improvement project. Get in touch and leave the rest to us! We hope you’ve enjoyed these tips for increasing your home’s value.

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Top 5 Home Remodels: Do’s and Don’ts

Wednesday, June 19th, 2019

Top 5 Home Remodels: Do’s and Don’tsEvery homeowner at one time considers remodeling their home for a variety of reason. You may want to add more living space or restructure your home to match your tastes and preferences. One question many don’t consider is whether that remodel is a worthy investment which will pay for itself by increasing the resale value of the property. Don’t be one of those homeowners. Read the following discussion and learn which five home remodels will make sense from an investment point of view and those which will hardly give you a return on your investment once you decide to sell the home.

5 Remodels That Bump Up the Resale Value of Your Home

Kitchen Remodels

There is nearly universal agreement that you can never go wrong if you decide to remodel your kitchen in order to increase the resale value of your home. However, you need to ask yourself whether your top priority is what you as an individual want or your priority is to make improvements which will have the greatest effect upon the resale value of the home. Your best bet is to go for carefully planned improvements which don’t require you to tear up walls or move plumbing lines. Such costly remodels rarely give a decent return on investment and yet simple improvements like adding cabinets made from affordable materials give a better return on the investment.

Adding More Living Space

Another remodel which can increase the resale value of your home is adding some living space to that home. For example, a bedroom addition can increase the total square footage of the home and thereby increase its resale value. The expert plumbers at Tureks Plumbing Services warn that the addition should be sizeable enough to justify some of the fixed costs, such as the cost of building a new foundation after tearing up an exterior wall. An addition of a few square feet makes the remodel to lose economic sense from an investment perspective.

Improving the Curb Appeal

As you may know, the way a product is packaged plays a big role in how potential buyers regard that product. In the same way, the external appearance of your property can increase or lower the resale value of your home. Our friends at Headwaters Construction Inc. say that any remodel that improves curb appeal, therefore, has a positive effect on the resale value of your home. Giving the exterior walls a new coat of paint is one simple project to boost the curb appeal of the property and increase its resale value. If resources allow, replacing old windows and exterior doors can also give you a decent payback when you sell the home. Remember, first impressions count, so ensure that your home gives a favorable first impression.

The Master Bedroom

The decision on whether to buy one home and not another rests squarely with adults. It, therefore, makes sense to remodel the master suite so that it is more appealing to the adults who will live in that home. Once again, opt for upgrades which aren’t very expensive and yet they improve the beauty and functionality of the master suite. For example, an inbuilt walk-in closet is an affordable improvement which will appeal to the adults who will live in the master bedroom.


The bathroom is another section which can make or break the home in terms of its resale value. Fox Valley plumbers recommend that you pay the most attention to the bathroom in the master suite as well as the one in the guest room rather than on the one for the kids. Make simple adjustments to the cosmetic appeal of the bathroom, such as installing new faucets and repainting the walls rather than major changes to the layout.

5 Remodels That Hardly Improve the Resale Value of Your Home


A pool should be down your list of priorities if you would like to make improvements which can increase the resale value of your home. Plumbers in Appleton WI explain that while many homeowners would like to have a pool on their property, few of them are willing to incur the cost of maintaining those pools so they leave pools on the list of nice-to-haves rather than priorities. Consequently, it doesn’t make sense to add a pool to your home if you are primarily interested in increasing the resale value of that home.

Kids’ Spaces

Similar to pools, kids’ spaces, such as climbing walls, aren’t the ideal remodel to think about when you want to improve the resale value of your home. The kids will be thrilled to have such a space, but the adults who make the buying decision may wish that the space was used for something else, such as a man cave.

Wine Rooms

Wine rooms only appeal to wine enthusiasts, so don’t expect the addition of a wine room to increase the resale value of your home. You are better off investing in a home improvement which will appeal to most homebuyers rather than investing in improvements which appeal to a small niche of property owners.

Small Additions

Tearing out an exterior wall in order to enlarge your kitchen or bedroom by a few square feet will not give you a good return on investment because the fixed costs (roof, foundation, etc.) of the project will make such an addition uneconomical. Our friends at LMS Garage Doors add that making small improvements can increase your home’s value. Those who upgrade their home’s garage door can see about a 4% increase. 

Removing Features

It is equally unwise from an investment point of view to remove an existing feature in the home, such as a fireplace, in order to repurpose that part of the home. Potential homebuyers may not appreciate the removal and they will opt for other homes which still have that feature.

At the end of the day, the property is currently yours and you are entirely free to implement whatever remodels you see fit. Just bear in mind the discussion above and don’t expect too much from a remodel that is a non-starter in terms of improving the resale value of the home. However, you can never go wrong when you focus on making the plumbing system the best that it can be. In that aspect, Tureks Plumbing Services is standing by to receive your call so that our professionals can get to work and fix anything that may not be performing at its best.

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Kitchen Storage Must-Haves

Wednesday, June 12th, 2019

kitchen storage must havesIf you don’t plan the kitchen storage correctly, you will be irritated daily as you use this important part of your home. The process of organizing this storage starts with assessing what you own. The next step in the process entails preparing storage space for those kitchen belongings following the three sections or workspaces within the kitchen. This article discusses the different items which you can store within the three work zones in your kitchen.

Work Area #1: The Refrigerator

This work zone marks the area where two primary activities take place. First, any groceries or food items you buy reach this area before they are stored or prepared. Secondly, the first preparatory steps as you cook often take place within this work zone.

The first thing you should do, therefore involves positioning the fridge close to the entrance into the kitchen. This will save you from having to walk across the entire kitchen with heavy groceries to access the refrigerator at the end of the room.

One of the features of the refrigerator work area is a countertop. This provides space where you can place groceries before you sort the items by the type of storage that they need. For example, you can pick the items which require refrigeration and place them in the fridge while the dry goods can go into a storage cabinet.

Plan to store your staples within the refrigerator work area. The items or tools you use for this initial preparation, such as mixers, graters, salad molds, and measuring cups should be stored in the cabinets within the fridge work zone.

The appliances used to prepare dry goods, such as the coffee maker, also go in the refrigerator work zone. Similarly, cookbooks are best stored in this zone because the initial preparation of dry goods happens here.

The exact amount of storage space that you need for this zone will depend on your needs as an individual. For example, an empty nester will need a lot more storage space than a single person who is just starting to acquire kitchenware. The important thing to remember when planning the storage space for this zone is that the area should be divided into about four categories (dry food storage/pantry, original food preparation equipment and tools, the refrigeration space and space for storing small appliances or utensils you occasionally use, such as bowls and trays).

Work Area #2: The Sink

The sink work zone sees the most traffic because it is needed by the refrigerator zone and the cooking area. It is therefore wise to place the sink zone in the middle of the refrigerator and cooking spaces so that this vital area can be accessed conveniently.

A sizeable countertop is paramount in this area, and it should be as clutter-free as possible so that it can be used easily. 

Fox Valley plumbers explain that food prep and cleaning up happens in this area, so don’t skimp on space for these important activities.

Recycling and trash containers should be thoughtfully positioned in this work zone so that it is effortless to get rid of the trash generated during the food preparation process or the cleaning that happens afterward. A plumber in Appleton, WI can help you to select the best recycling and disposal equipment for this work zone.

Glassware, dishes, cleaning supplies, and the other items which you use daily during food prep and clean up should be stored within the sink work area for easy access. Cutting boards and knives should be stored within this zone, but close enough to the refrigerator zone so that any activity in the fridge zone that requires these items can be executed without the unnecessary inconvenience of walking a significant distance to get the needed item.

Drinking glasses can also be stored in this zone close to the point at which they are cleaned. Drawers or wall cabinets can work for this purpose, depending on your preference.

Keep items which are related closely to each other in this zone. For example, put coffee mugs in the drawers closest to the coffee maker.

Once again, the size of the space for the sink work area will depend on your belongings, but it should also be divided into four areas, namely, trash and recycling; dishwasher, sink and cleaning supplies; glasses, flatware and dishes; and finally cutlery, small appliances, and cutting boards.

Work Area #3: Cooktop/Range Area

As the name suggests, this zone is the area where cooking takes place. The ovens, range, or cooktop are the main features of this work area. This zone should be located closest to the dining room so that what is prepared doesn’t have to be moved over a long distance to the dining room/area.

A countertop is paramount in this area for the placement of hot items which have been removed from the oven or cooktop.

The storage space around this area should contain the different items, such as bowls and platters, which you use to transfer food to the dining room. You also need to set aside a cabinet for the cookware used frequently. Warming appliances should also be stored within this zone.

Spices, pans, and pots, as well as other cooking utensils, should be stored as close to the oven and range as possible for easy access during the process of cooking. You can store these items in drawers or upper cabinets, whichever suits you better.

Divide the storage space by the categories of items most used in this work zone. For example, one section can be for the cooking surfaces (stove, for example). Another section should be for microwaves or ovens. Next, reserve space for storing bakeware, cookware, and some small appliances. Finally, the items used when serving food also deserve their own space.

Use the number of people in your household as a guide when deciding how big each storage space should be. Once you organize the kitchen storage appropriately, it will be a joy to enter this space and prepare a meal for you and your loved ones each day. This cannot be possible when the plumbing isn’t just right, so partner with our experts at Tureks Plumbing Services for high-quality plumbing installation and maintenance for your dream kitchen remodel.

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Rules to Keep in Mind When Designing Your Kitchen

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019

rules to designing your kitchen

7 Rules to Keep in Mind When Designing Your Kitchen

Are you designing your kitchen from scratch or are you planning to remodel the existing kitchen? Before you do, read these rules and keep them in mind as you come up with a design that will make your new kitchen not just beautiful but functional and safe. Remember, these rules aren’t set in stone, so you can adjust them here and there to suit your specific circumstances and needs.

Rule #1: Door Entry and Interference

It is advisable to have a 34-inch opening into your kitchen. This entry will be wide enough to permit the unfettered carrying of various items, such as appliances, into and out of the kitchen when the need arises.

Additionally, experts at Tureks Plumbing Services recommend that the door should not interfere with the operation of any appliance inside the kitchen. If your kitchen is small, then install the kitchen door in such a way that it opens outwards. This will ensure that the area close to the doorway can have an appliance, such as the fridge.

Rule #2: The Work Triangle

The work triangle refers to the three major work centers in your kitchen. These are the main cooking appliance, the sink, and the refrigerator. These work centers should form a triangle. The distance from one leg of the triangle to another should not be less than 4-feet or more than 9-feet.

Fox Valley plumbers explain that a distance which is shorter than 4-feet makes it hard to work freely if another person is using one of the work centers. Conversely, longer distances between the work centers aren’t efficient because one will cover long distances when moving between those different legs of the work triangle.

Most importantly, traffic should not travel across the work triangle. For instance, a family member who wants to pick something from the refrigerator should not move across the path of someone who is using the kitchen sink and the oven.

Rule #3: Separating Work Centers

Another guideline which you need to keep in mind when designing your new kitchen is that no full-depth or full-height obstacle should exist between two work centers in the kitchen. For example, the need for more storage space in your kitchen should not motivate you to place a tall oven cabinet between the kitchen sink and the refrigerator. A respected plumber in Appleton, WI says that such separation makes it very hard for someone using the kitchen to access the different legs of the work triangle.

Rule #4: Traffic Clearance in Seating Areas

Imagine someone trying to squeeze behind your seat in the kitchen in order to go to the refrigerator and pick a drink. This inconvenience can spoil your mood if you were enjoying a delicious meal. It is therefore advisable for you to allow ample clearance in seating areas if there will be traffic there. For example, Fox Valley plumbers have observed that a clearance 44 inches are sufficient if people will be walking behind someone who is seated in the kitchen. 36 inches are sufficient if all you can manage is space for someone to edge past the seated person.

Rule #5: Prep/Cleanup Sink

If you intend to have only one sink in your kitchen, it is better for that sink to be located across from or adjacent to the cooking area. This placement prevents you from covering long distances as you move the prepared food to the stove or oven.

Tureks Plumbing Services also recommends that the sink should have a landing area that has at least 24-inches of clearance on either side so that you have a wide enough surface onto which to place cooking pots after removing them from the stove. The space also allows you to work comfortably as you prepare the different food items which you are going to cook.

Rule #6: Cooking Surface Safety

In the kitchen, you will have electricity, water, and open flames in the same room. This increases the potential for fire hazards in your kitchen. To minimize this risk, avoid locating the cooking surface, such as a stove top, under an operable window. Additionally, the windows above the cooking surface should not have treatments, such as window film, which are flammable. Plan the layout of different kitchen features with these guidelines in mind and place a fire extinguisher close to the kitchen entrance and far from the cooking surface just in case you have to deal with a minor fire in this room.

Rule #7: Cabinet Height

You should also pay attention to the height of the upper cabinets in your kitchen during the remodel. A Fox Valley plumber advises that you consider two key aspects in this regard.

First, the distance between a countertop and the cabinet above it should be at least 18 inches. This distance allows the countertop to be used without any interference from the cabinet above.

Secondly, think about your maximum reach when designing the upper cabinets. As a general rule, keep upper cabinets at no more than 7 feet so that you can access stored items easily. Anything higher than that may require you to use step ladders or climb onto a stool.

Many more kitchen design guidelines exist. The seven guidelines above are just intended to draw your attention to some of the considerations that you should keep in mind as you plan a kitchen remodel or new construction. Of course, we at Tureks Plumbing Services will be more than happy to share more planning rules as well as help you to get the plumbing aspects of your kitchen in order. So, give us a call today!

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8 Kitchen Trends in 2019

Wednesday, February 27th, 2019

kitchen trends in 2019 - Tureks Plumbing Services

8 Kitchen Trends in 2019

2019 is well underway and you may wish to know which kitchen trends are on so that you pick one for your upcoming kitchen remodel. Here are eight stunning kitchen trends in 2019 that will get your creative juices flowing as you plan that kitchen remodel.

Kitchen Trend #1: Concealed Vents

Nothing sticks out like a sore thumb more than a range hood that is exposed within your kitchen. The hot trend as the year begins is that of concealed range hood vents. Such features give the kitchen a seamless look that will have you loving this space in your home!

Kitchen Trend #2: Wood and White

Another trend that is going to gather momentum this year is a kitchen that has two tones, such as wood and white combined. As an example, picture everything below the countertop as being made from wood with white trim, and then everything above the countertop is white, especially the open shelving used in lieu of upper cabinets.

Kitchen Trend #3: Curated Collections

Curated collections are also going to be a big trend in 2019, if the reports by plumbers in Appleton, WI are anything to go by. People are now opting to keep their rare handmade collections, such as vases and crocks, out in the open. These collections can turn your cooking space into an amazing display of diverse precious pieces.

Kitchen Trend #4: Industrial Countertops

Chances are high that you will be seeing a lot of textured countertops this year. For example, the countertop may be made from concrete and have splotches or a patina that makes the countertop look rusty. Such stunning designs will increase as people get tired of the glossy finishes in kitchens.

Kitchen Trend #5: Matte Black Cabinetry

Black matte is captivating, and this finish is promising to take 2019 by storm. To get its full splendor, select a countertop that contrasts with the black matte finish. A brighter color is recommended for this purpose so that the uniformity of the cabinetry can be broken and brightened.

Kitchen Trend #6: Mixed Metals

Brass is no longer going to be lonely in kitchens during 2019. It is now official; metals are now being mixed to create a stunning look. For example, you can have a faucet made out of copper, as well as a brass lampshade hanging just above your centralized kitchen counter. Mixed metals bring out the best in each other, and your kitchen is the better for it!

Kitchen Trend #7: Forged Iron Shelving

Another kitchen trend that plumbers in Appleton, WI are beginning to see more of is forged iron shelving. Forged iron is making a comeback as a material of choice in kitchens, and black is riding this wave too as the go-to color for this trend. This combination creates an elegant yet edgy atmosphere in kitchens.

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Ways to Save on Your Home Remodel – Top Tips for Homeowners

Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

Whether you are planning a partial remodel (kitchen/bathroom) or a full makeover for your whole home, it should not be a hit-or-miss affair.

Sure, a home makeover entails ample amounts of patience, effort, and money. But at the end of the day, you should achieve your established goal, be it to increase the beauty and functionality of your house or to increase property value while keeping your finances in good order.

Does that sound like a tall order? Here are some ways to save on your home remodel.

Don’t go in blind

The easiest way to get bankrupt with a home remodel is to proceed sans a definite plan.

If you are keen on giving your home a makeover without breaking the bank, the first thing that you need to do is to establish a hierarchy of the work that you want done.

And as you conduct further research and talk to suppliers and contractors like Tureks Plumbing Kitchen and Bath Remodel, you’ll have a fair idea of which works you can proceed with and which ones you can momentarily shelve.

Work with what you currently have

A remodel does not necessarily mean that you should splurge on removing the old in favor of the new.

One of the easiest ways to tame your makeover budget is to identify specific items in the room/your home that you can still use and which ones beg for a replacement.

For example, instead of getting new cabinets, a new splash of paint and replacements of handles and knobs can translate to immense savings as well as a new lease on life for your assets.

Know what your options are

Do you really need a granite countertop for your kitchen? Or would you be content with a lower cost option like laminate?

Our friends at Gilmore Heating and Air, an HVAC company that offers air conditioning services in Placerville, suggests that you evaluate your wants and needs. Sometimes, swapping your material of choice can lead to substantial savings without compromising form and function.

Do your research, consult with the experts, and keep an open mind.

Figure out the things that you can do by yourself

One of the key drivers of remodeling costs is labor. Quite simply, the fewer number of hours your contractor needs to put in for the project, the lower your makeover expenses will be.

Check out the list of the tasks that need to be done. You might find some that you (and your family and friends) can do.

It can be as simple as painting the kitchen walls, or depending on your DIY skills, something more complex.

Choose your partner well

The success (or failure) of your home remodeling project hinges greatly on your choice of contractor.

As such, do not take this choice lightly.

Instead of going for the first contractor that responds to your inquiry, start off with a shortlist of about three contractors who work in your area and get quotes from each.

For one, this will give you a better picture of what to expect in terms of cost. Second, this enables you to get each prospective contractor and allow you to gauge whether you are comfortable working with each one on your shortlist.

Important considerations to factor in when choosing a contractor include reputation, organization, attention to details and punctuality.

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