Tureks Plumbing Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fox Valley Plumber’

Leaking Toilet Base

Wednesday, September 25th, 2019

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1569263090937{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]leaking toilet base - Plumber in Appleton WIA leaking toilet base can prove to be a big nuisance in the bathroom, especially if it is an old bathroom. A leaking toilet base is an unhygienic problem, and it can make your bathroom look not well taken care of. Another problem is that it can damage your bathroom flooring, and leave stains. To avoid severe water damage arising because of a leaking toilet base, you can address this common plumbing problem by fixing it yourself even if it the first time you are trying your hand at plumbing repairs.

Call Your Local Plumbing Experts

Our team at Tureks Plumbing Services are always ready and happy to assist you with your plumbing problems. If you don’t have time to deal with leaking toilets then give us a call at anytime. Our expert plumbers can analyze and advise you on the problem and the best possible solution for it.

How to Fix Leaking Toilet Base

  • Problem identification: To do this, you first need to dry the base, and this can be done by wiping it by a cloth or a towel. After doing this, you need to check all the connections.
  • Address the faulty connections: The bolts connecting the tank to the toilet are secured with rubber washers to prevent the water from leaking. Leakage can occur if these bolts have loosened up. Therefore if you find these bolts to be loose, you can tighten them using a screwdriver. Although you should make sure you do not overtighten the bolts because this can cause the tank to crack. You also need to make sure that the toilet is level on the floor because if it is un-level, it might break the seal. If tightening the bolts does not address the problem, then it means that the problem lies somewhere else. In that case, you may need to reach out to for our plumbing services.
  • Replace the washers: You might need to replace the washers if tightening the bolts does not solve the problem of a leaking toilet base. The washers might have worn out, and before replacing them, you will first need to stop the water source. After that, remove the bolts, dry the area, and replace the washers.
  • Replace the wax ring: If the problem still persists, it is possible it is due to a failed wax ring. The wax ring is not a very expensive replacement and will therefore not cause a serious dent in your pocket. But on the flip side, it might take a few hours of your time to replace as you will have to remove the toilet in order to replace it. After removing the toilet base, you need to remove the old ring and replace it after thoroughly cleaning the surroundings. After this replacement, you can install the toilet back into its original place. If this sounds like too much work, we will gladly do it for you, just fill out a plumbing service request.
  • Replace the toilet altogether: If all of the methods mentioned above have failed, there is only one option left, and that is to remove and replace the whole toilet itself.


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When to Replace Your Water Softener at Home

Wednesday, September 18th, 2019

How to Know When to Replace the Water Softener at Home - Tureks PlumbingLike any of the other appliances that you have in your home, the water softener will also need to be replaced at some point. It is important for you to know when the time has come to replace this appliance. Most water softeners last for between 10 and 15 years, so if yours is more than a decade old, then you could consider replacing it. Apart from the age, there are other signs that you can base upon to make the decision to replace your water softener. Tureks Plumbing Services shares some of those warning signs.

Less Lather Than Expected

If you notice that you have to use more soap or shampoo in order to get enough lather while you take a bath or shower, then it may be time to replace the water softener since the current one isn’t doing a good job of softening the hard water.

Spotted or Stained Laundry

When you run your clothes through the laundry machine, and the clothes have visible white spots or stains, you can suspect that the water softener isn’t doing its work as it should and you may, therefore, need to be replaced. The spots you see are minerals that have remained after the water evaporated as your laundry dried.

This problem can also be seen on your dishes and pans since the same minerals making your clothes to look dirty are also present in the water used in the dishwasher. Consequently, if you see streaks on your dishes and other kitchenware, take that as a sign that the water softener may have become ineffective and it may be time to replace it or have a Fox Valley plumber check and repair it.

Deposits Around Faucets and Pipes

You also need to observe the pipes and faucets in your home. If you see crusty deposits on those faucets and pipes, then the water softener may not be doing its job. That chalky substance can gradually clog the pipes or even damage them.

Changes in the Taste of Water

If you have been drinking water directly from a faucet, you may start to notice that its taste changes to something you don’t like. That change may signify that the minerals which the water softener was removing are now remaining in the water because the water softener is no longer doing its work as it should. This suspicion may gain further credence if you notice any of the other signs discussed earlier.

Changes in the Water Pressure

If the water pressure at different points of use drops inexplicably, the problem may lie squarely with the malfunctioning water softener. The drop in pressure may be due to the mineral deposits in hard water accumulating on the walls of the pipes to the extent that water cannot flow through easily. Fox Valley plumbers advise that it is much better, in the long run, to replace the water softener instead of indulging in the futile task of repeatedly clearing the clogged pipes.

Too Much Salt

Older water softeners required the homeowner to keep topping up the salt that is used by the appliance to soften hard water. Appleton plumbers reveal that if you check your water softener and find that the supply of salt isn’t changing despite the water softener running, then that water softener may have reached the end of its usefulness and it may be time to replace it.

Dry and Itchy Skin

If your skin feels itchy and dry after a shower, then some dissolved minerals may be remaining in the water. This is a sign that the water softener isn’t as effective as it once was.

When to Replace Your Water Softener

The signs above are only indicative and may not be definitive proof that it is time to replace your water softener. This is because the problem may be fixed by servicing the appliance, or another cause may be responsible for the signs you see. For example, the metallic water pipes in your home may be rusty, which could explain the altered taste of the water in your home. The best way to confirm that your water softener is due for replacement is by asking an Appleton plumber from Tureks Plumbing Services to check the softener and determine whether servicing or repairing it may restore it to full functionality, or whether replacing it is the best option. Don’t live with the problems resulting from hard water flowing through your pipes, contact Tureks Plumbing Services for help today!

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How to Prepare Your Plumbing for Fall

Wednesday, September 11th, 2019

how to prepare your plumbing for fall - Tureks Plumbing ServicesThe weather changes that occur during autumn bring several risks for the plumbing system of your home. Preparing your plumbing for this season will help to avert many of those potential problems. The following tips provided by the experienced plumbers at Tureks Plumbing Services in Appleton, WI, will get you underway with this task.

Insulate Your Water Pipes

When a pipe freezes and bursts, the resultant damage can cost you thousands of dollars to fix. The best way that Fox Valley plumbers recommend for preventing this problem is by insulating the water pipes so that they are protected from the cold.

You can buy self-adhering pipe insulation from a plumbing supplies store near you and install this insulation yourself. All you have to do is measure the pipe you want to insulate is and then cut the appropriate length of insulating material.

To make this activity as easy as possible, experienced Appleton plumbers suggest that instead of trying to insulate all the pipes in one day, spread out this work over several days.

Pay special attention to the outdoor water pipes and those in spaces that aren’t conditioned, such as the basement, since these are most prone to freezing during cold weather.

Disconnect the Hose

Now is also the time to disconnect all the water hoses outside your home. Drain those hoses and keep them in your garage or any other sheltered place in your home. Check the faucets to which the hoses were connected and repair any leaks to those faucets before the cold weather sets in.

This is also the time to turn the shutoff valves off so that the pipes supplying the garden hoses don’t retain any water in them. Any water that remains in these pipes could freeze and make the pipe burst.

Clear the Drainpipes and Gutters

Falling leaves and other debris are a threat to the drainpipes and gutters on your home because they can cause clogs that prevent water from flowing freely from the roof and away from your house. It is therefore important for you to inspect and clean out the gutters and the drainpipes so that they can do their work when the time comes.

If you are unable to clean the gutters and drainpipes on your own due to mobility challenges or safety concerns, ask Tureks Plumbing Services for help.

Inspect the Water Heater

The onset of cold weather means that your water heater will be working extra hard to keep your household supplied with the hot water .

Appleton plumbers recommend that you inspect and service the water heater so that it is at its best before the cold weather sets in. Flush the water heater and get rid of the sediment at the bottom of the tank.

Test the pressure relief valve and confirm that it is functional. Also, look underneath the heater to confirm that there are no puddles that could suggest that the water heater is leaking.

You can also check the anode rod if you hadn’t checked and replaced it recently. This component plays an important role in preventing your water heater tank from corroding since the anode sacrifices itself so that the water heater tank can remain intact. If you have a tankless water heater, then you don’t have to worry about sacrificial anodes.

Now might be a perfect time to ask your local Fox Valley plumber to examine your water heater. Tureks Plumbing can help you with any water heater repairs or replacements that are needed. Remember, it’s best to detect these plumbing problems sooner than later.

Service the Sump Pump

The sump pump plays an important role in preventing your basement from flooding by pumping out all the water that accumulates in the sump pit. This pump and any auxiliary pump in your basement need to be at its best to cope with the potential deluge of water entering the basement when the rainy season starts.

Check the discharge line and confirm that it is clear. If you test the pump and it appears to be having a technical problem, invite a plumber from Fox Valley Plumbers to check and fix any issue it may have.

It takes a lot of skill and care to prepare your plumbing system sufficiently for fall. This task is better handled by professionals, and the experienced plumbers at Tureks Plumbing Services are at your service. Give us a call today, and we will take care of your commercial or residential plumbing needs just in time for winter. 

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Do Home Warranties Cover Sewer Line Replacement?

Wednesday, August 28th, 2019

home warranties cover sewer line replacement - Tureks Plumbing ServicesHome insurance policies usually have some significant gaps when you consider your sewer line. If that sewer line ever develops a problem, you may find yourself responsible for meeting the entire cost of the repair or replacement if you hadn’t secured insurance for this system. In this article, you will discover what you need to know as you shop for coverage for this expensive component of your home.

When It’s Worthwhile to Get Sewer Line Coverage

Tureks Plumbing Services recommends that you consider the age of your home as you decide whether to get sewer line insurance cover or not. The older the house is, the higher the risk that the sewer line will develop costly problems.

For example, homes built in the 1950s have sewer lines made from either cast iron, Orangeburg, or clay. Appleton plumbers explain that Orangeburg is the most likely to develop problems because this fibrous material is porous.

It is therefore wise to get sewer line insurance if your home is old and the sewer pipe materials are nearing the end of their service life. However, Fox Valley plumbers caution that any home, regardless of its age, is susceptible to sewer line damage. For example, the sewer line could be damaged after a bout of heavy rain that causes the soil to shift beneath the pipe. All homeowners should, therefore, consider acquiring sewer line insurance, which is customized to their specific needs.

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Sewer Line Insurance Provider

The Monthly Cost

An experienced plumber in Appleton, WI advises that homeowners should avoid acquiring sewer line insurance whose monthly cost is in excess of $20. This is because those costlier policies are harder to rationalize economically in the long-term.

For example, estimates put the average cost of sewer line repairs at $2,500 if the work involves digging up the yard. If the monthly payment is $20, then your annual fee will be $240. This translates into $2,400 in a decade. The chances are high that you may not have more than two issues in a decade that require sewer line repairs in excess of $2,500. You can see from these figures how it makes financial sense to get coverage costing less than $20 a month and how hard it gets to justify that expenditure if the monthly cost is higher.

The Deductible

A deductible refers to the out of the pocket amount of money that you are required to pay before insurance steps in when sewer line repair or replacement is done on your property. Policies with high deductibles are not advisable because the savings that you make on your monthly payments get eroded when repairs are needed.

If you can, find an insurer with a low or zero deductible so that you limit what you spend in the event that your sewer line needs to be replaced or repaired during the coverage period.

The Coverage Amount

Read the policy carefully and find out the value of the coverage offered with that policy. The larger the coverage amount, the safer you are from having to dip into your pocket when sewer line repairs come up.

Avoid the temptation of opting for bargain coverage which only covers repair costs that don’t exceed a few thousand dollars because you will have no choice but to meet the extra cost if a major repair is required.

The Limit Per Call

Read the fine print of the policy carefully regarding the amount of money mentioned in the annual coverage. For example, one policy may mention that it provides $5,000 coverage each year, but that policy limits each service call to a maximum of $2,500.

Such a policy is as good as saying that you are covered up to $2,500 each year because it is very rare that your sewer lines will suffer two major defects within one year so that you file two claims with your insurer.

To be safe, talk to a plumber in Appleton, WI about the average cost of having to conduct major repairs on your sewer line. This estimate will give you a ballpark number that you can have in mind when picking an insurer with a suitable cost limit for each service call.

Sewer Line Insurance Options

Now that you have established what you should look for when buying sewer line insurance cover, let us now turn to where or what form such insurance can take. The following are some of the options you can explore.

A Rider on Your Home Insurance

As already mentioned, your home warranty will rarely cover sewer line repairs or replacement. This is because the sewer system is looked at as separate from the main home, so it is excluded in the coverage for the home. However, you can acquire a rider to that policy so that the sewer line is also covered.

A Standalone Sewer Line Policy

If you assess the rider being offered by your home insurance cover and it falls short on the desirable attributes discussed earlier, you may have to consider shopping for a separate provider for this needed warranty. Some insurers specialize in this kind of cover, while others have it as part of a range of insurance services that they offer. Explore all the options available and select the one which will address your specific needs.

Sewer Line Cover Through the Utility Company

Another option that you could look into is the possibility of getting sewer line coverage through the utility company in your area. Fox Valley plumbers report that it is becoming increasingly common for municipal authorities to partner with insurance providers to enable homeowners to get insurance for their sewer and water lines. The biggest benefit of getting such a policy is that you will pay the monthly premium with your water bill, so you will have less paperwork to deal with.

All insurance policies are unique, so it is imperative that you do your homework sufficiently before you put pen to paper. If you still have questions, talk to your insurance broker for professional advice. Needless to say, contact Tureks Plumbing Services if the sewer line or any component of the plumbing system develops a problem and you want the problem fixed professionally and affordably.

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How to Locate Your Sewer Cleanout

Wednesday, August 21st, 2019

sewer cleanout - Tureks Plumbing ServicesThe sewer lines on your property are important pieces of infrastructure because they move wastes and water away from your home. It is therefore essential for you to maintain this system so that it gives you years of trouble-free service. One of the crucial things you should know is the location of the sewer cleanout valve from where you can remove any debris and waste which could clog the system. The experts at Tureks Plumbing Services recommend that you use the following measures to locate this crucial component of the sewer system.

Refer to the Engineering Plans of Your Lot

The cleanout port is an above-ground vertical pipe that drops to the main sewer line on your property. Fox Valley plumbers explain that this vertical pipe usually has a plug at its top to prevent debris from falling into the main sewer line. When an Appleton plumber wants to unclog the sewer line, he or she will most likely start by opening the cleanout and pushing a plumbing snake into the sewer pipe. If you cannot tell the plumber where to find this pipe, then you could pay more as the plumber spends time to search for this fitting.

The first step that Appleton plumbers recommend that you take in your quest for the location of the cleanout access port is by examining the engineering drawings of your home. These documents will point out the different components of the plumbing system, including the location of the cleanout port. Follow the directions given in the plans, and you will find the cleanout port long before the need to use this fixture arises.

Check the Likely Places

Not every homeowner has access to the engineering drawings of the property, especially if it is an older home. In that case, don’t give up on finding the location of the cleanout port. Instead, start your search from the most likely places where this component could be located.

For example, plumbers in Appleton, WI, suggest that you go outside your home to the side where the bathroom is located. Once there, start your search as you move away from the foundation towards the street. You are likely to see this pipe projecting out of the ground.

Plumbers from Tureks Plumbing Services have also seen several homes where the cleanout port is either located in the basement of the house, or it is hidden behind drywall. This is especially likely in homes that are found in cold areas since putting the cleanout indoors prevents it from freezing up during cold weather. Check these places as well and be careful while cutting bits of drywall to avoid damaging electrical wires installed within the walls.

Get Professional Help

If you cannot locate the cleanout after reading the engineering drawings of the home or by searching the places where cleanouts are usually located, it is time to ask Tureks Plumbing Services for help. Our trained professionals have the knowledge and experience to find the cleanout in a short time without tearing up large sections of the drywall or other components of the home during the search.

Once we locate the cleanout, we will use the most appropriate tools to open it and clean it so that the sewer system can function optimally again. So, why bother with this unpleasant task when you can leave it in the capable hands of our professionals? Give us a call today!

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Does Trenchless Sewer Repair Work?

Wednesday, August 14th, 2019

does trenchless sewer repair work - Tureks Plumbing ServicesDoes Trenchless Sewer Repair Work?

In the past, sewer line repair or replacement automatically meant that your yard had to be torn up to replace the pipes. The resultant damage to the landscaping and yard was often regarded as unavoidable collateral damage. However, that isn’t necessarily the case today because Tureks Plumbing Services and other modern plumbing services providers offer trenchless sewer pipe repair. Read on and learn how this method works to repair damaged sewer pipes without causing major damage to the landscaping.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Trenchless Sewer Repair

As the name suggests, trenchless pipe repair makes it possible for a Fox Valley plumber to fix a damaged sewer pipe without extensively digging in your yard. The following steps are followed during this repair process.

Camera Inspection

Before the plumber in Appleton, WI can begin the repair project, he or she first conducts a close inspection of the sewer pipe using a camera designed for such tasks. The camera is inserted into the sewer pipe through a drain. As it snakes its way through the pipe, the plumber can see what sort and magnitude of damage he or she is dealing with.

Clearing the Pipe

After the inspection, the Fox Valley plumber will proceed to identify the shallowest point of the pipe (in the basement, for example) and then use a hydro-jet to clear any debris that is in the pipeline. This cleaning process paves the way for the actual repair.

Digging Pilot Holes

Once the sewer pipe is clean, the experts from Tureks Plumbing Services will dig one pilot hole at the beginning of the pipe to be repaired and another at the end. These access points will enable the equipment that will be used during the repair to access the inside of the damaged or old sewer pipe. The digging needed to create these access holes is minimal. So, not much damage will be done to your yard and landscaping when compared to what happens when the entire pipe has to be dug out for the repair to be completed.

Repair Material Insertion

Next, the Appleton plumber will insert a unique pipe repair material called cured in place pipe (CIPP). This material is manufactured from a special resin that hardens quickly once it is deployed inside a pipe. Compressed air pumped into the repair material makes it bulge up and coat the inner surface of the existing sewer pipe.

The resin takes a few hours to harden, and once it does, your old sewer pipe will have a strong lining material that can last for years to come.

Pipe Inspection

The next step after the pipe has cured is a sewer camera inspection of the work done. The plumber from Tureks Plumbing Services looks closely at the images of the repaired section of sewer piping to confirm that the repair went as desired. Once everything is fine, you will be given the green light to resume using the plumbing system as before.

The trenchless sewer repair process is as simple as the steps explained in the procedure above. As a homeowner, you would be well advised to talk to a Fox Valley plumber about trenchless sewer repair.

Benefits of Trenchless Sewer Repair

  • Affordable sewer repair. This is because less labor is required, and the cost of fixing a torn-up yard is avoided once this method is used.
  • Less time is required. You will not have to forego the use of your home’s sewer system for days just because it is undergoing repair. Trenchless sewer repair can be completed in a single day, and you will get to use the plumbing system that same day.
  • Durability. The lining material used to repair the damaged or aging sewer pipes is very strong and resistant to damage by tree roots or the fluids flowing through the pipe. Consequently, the life of your sewer pipes will be prolonged significantly when this repair method is used.

Unfortunately, not all damaged sewer pipes can be fixed using trenchless sewer repair. For example, pipes that are extensively damaged or those that have formed a pipe belly in which water pools may require other repair techniques. The only way for you to find out whether your pipes qualify for trenchless sewer repair is by contacting Tureks Plumbing Services. Our experienced plumbers will inspect the sewer pipes on your property and use trenchless sewer repair or any other appropriate repair method to restore functionality and integrity to the sewer system.

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6 Common Septic Tank Problems

Wednesday, August 7th, 2019

common septic tank problems- Tureks Plumbing ServicesMost people don’t pay attention to their septic system until they suddenly have a problem. If you have a septic tank problem, you will be unable to use the toilet, take a shower, or even run the dishwasher. The inconveniences that you go through while you wait for professional help to arrive can be enough to motivate you to read up on what could have happened. In this article, you’ll discover common septic tank problems and how you can prevent slow drain septic problems from occurring. Tureks Plumbing Services suggests that you pay special attention to the following common septic tank problems.

Septic Tank Problems: Excess Water in the Septic Tank

One of the septic tank problems that plumbers from Tureks Plumbing Services are called out to fix is excess water in the septic tank. Before you rush to condemn the weather in your area for this problem, examine the water use habits of your household.

For example, do you run several cycles in the washing machine each day? Do you indulge in lengthy showers? How often do you fill and empty the bathtub each week? These things may be causing lots of water to flow down the drains and into the septic tank.

If the tank isn’t sized appropriately for your household or water usage habits, then that tank could overflow and mess up your yard.

Ask a Fox Valley Plumber to inspect the tank and pump it in case solids had accumulated in the space that should be holding water. Otherwise, adjust your water use habits so that less water ends up in the septic tank each day. For example, instead of keeping all your laundry and running several cycles in one day of the week, you could run one cycle each day. This approach will allow the septic tank to deal with the smaller amounts of water that flow in instead of being inundated with huge volumes of water on a single day.

Septic Tank Problems: Tree Root Infiltration

Tree roots can sense the proximity of water and other nutrients, and they will grow towards that location. If the tiniest of leaks develop in your septic system, nearby tree roots will grow towards the leak and eventually penetrate the pipe through the leaky section.

Over time, these roots will grow bigger and cause significant clog or damage to the septic system. This is a tough problem to fix on your own, so you need to enlist the help of an Appleton plumber to cut out those roots and repair the damage to the septic pipe.

You can avoid this problem by planting trees far from the septic system so that you reduce the likelihood that the tree roots will damage your septic pipes years later.

Septic Tank Problems: Non-Biodegradables in the System

The plumbing professionals at Tureks Plumbing Services remind homeowners that everything that goes down a plumbing drain will eventually find its way into the septic tank.

It is therefore vital to avoid disposing of non-biodegradables in the drainage system. Since these items can cause clogs or fill the septic tank with solids that necessitate more frequent septic tank pumping. The items to avoid include sanitary towels and tampons, cat litter, coffee grounds, dental floss, paper towels, and cotton swabs.

Experienced plumbers in Appleton, WI urge you not to flush sanitary wipes even if they are labelled as “flushable” because most take long to break down and will, therefore, cause clogs. If these non-biodegradables have already found their way into the septic system, then the tank may need to be pumped, and the pipes unclogged.

Septic Tank Problems: Use of Harsh Chemicals

Slow drain septic problems can also result from your use of harsh chemicals, such as chemical drain cleaners. These chemicals can gradually damage the drainage and spring leaks in drainage pipes.

If the leak occurs in an underground septic pipe, soil from the vicinity can enter the pipe and cause slow drainage in your plumbing fixtures.

Additionally, many of those chemicals kill the bacteria responsible for breaking down the solids that are flushed down the drains in your home. Without this bacteria, the septic tank will quickly fill up, and the drain field will be overwhelmed by the solids leaking out of the septic tank.

Avoid these potentially severe and costly problems by keeping your use of harsh chemicals minimal. Ask a Fox Valley plumber for advice on which particular cleaners are septic-tank friendly.

Septic Tank Problems: Strong Odors

The entire septic system should not give off strong odors that are noticeable by your family members. If you sense these odors coming from any of the drains in your home or the vicinity of the septic tank, then something is wrong.

For example, the beneficial bacteria in the septic tank may have been killed by the chemicals you use in your household. As a result, wastes may accumulate in the septic tank without being decomposed. This creates noticeable odors coming from the tank.

The drain field (the area where liquids from the septic tank seep into) may no longer be capable of doing its work due to soil compaction and other factors.

Septic Tank Ground Movements

The ground around your septic tank may have moved, and that is why you are experiencing slow drain septic problems. For example, the soil could have moved upwards and forced the tank to be at a higher level than the septic system requires it to be. When that happens, you will notice that the drainage is slow throughout your home due to the changed position of the septic tank.

In some cases, sewage will even start backing up into the toilet, shower drain and other ground or floor-level drains in your home. The only way to fix such a problem is by getting expert help from Tureks Plumbing Services.

As you can see, the causes of slow drain septic problems are many and seem to be unrelated. The best way to protect your septic system from those problems is by asking Tureks Plumbing Services to take charge of the routine maintenance of the entire system. During the scheduled maintenance visits, our plumbers will share any concerns they have. In this way, problems will be caught early and rectified before they worsen and become more costly to fix. Give us a call today!

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Your July Home Checklist

Friday, July 19th, 2019

July home checklistSummer is in full gear, and the month of July can come and go in a blink of an eye. With all the holidays and fun family parties, there’s a lot of things that probably need to be done in and around your home. If you aren’t careful and use a checklist to prioritize what you need to attend every month. Use this handy checklist compiled by the experts at Tureks Plumbing Services so that you cover all your bases in this month of July.

Clean Your Porch Lights

You can either clean the porch lights in situ or remove them and use a dishpan to clean them, depending on the type of lights you have. If the fixtures are removable, then take them down carefully since this makes it easier to do a thorough job of cleaning them. If they aren’t removable, then turn their power off and use a moist cloth to clean them. Finish off the job by drying the fixtures using a soft cloth. This is also the time to replace any light bulbs that aren’t working, so don’t forget to get replacements before you start cleaning!

Check Your Home’s Safety Devices

It is a good practice to check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors every month, so no exceptions should be made for the month of July. Check the batteries and replace them if they are due for replacement and consider replacing any detector which is older than ten years. If you are replacing your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, consider getting those who are interconnected since this type can alert all home occupants once a hazard is detected. Also, check the expiry date of your fire extinguishers and replace those which are passed their expiry date.

Attend to Your Pets

Summer can be particularly hard on your furry friends if you don’t make ample arrangements for them. For example, avoid leaving your pets at a kennel when you travel since this is very stressful for them. Instead, plan to have a pet sitter so that your pets remain in a familiar setting. Also, remember to have someone watch your pet if you ever decide to leave it inside your car while you run some errands. Provide ample water and access to shade each time you leave your pet at home during the day.

Give Your Windows a Thorough Cleaning

You don’t want dusty windows to limit the amount of sunlight streaming into your home this summer, do you? Get your vinegar solution or commercial glass cleaner and give your windows a thorough cleaning both outside and inside. Complete the task by using a squeegee to dry them. If the windows are very high, don’t risk using ladders to access them. Instead, get a telescoping window washer or hire professionals to undertake this task.

Check All Insect Screens

Summer is almost synonymous with mosquitoes, so you need to make sure your defenses against these pests are intact. Check the window and door screens to confirm that there are no tears or holes to let mosquitoes in. Buy a screen repair kit and fix any damage you observe or get help from home remodel professional in Appleton, WI. With the screens repaired or replaced, no insects will invite themselves into your home.

Improve Your Water Usage Habits

Use the month of July to run a check on your water conservation plans. For example, change the time you water your lawn to the cooler hours of the day so that you limit water loss to evaporation. This could also be the best time for you to install a smart sensor in your sprinkler system so that you can conserve more water. Check for and repair any water leaks inside and outside your home. Our expert plumbers at Tureks Plumbing Services are at your service to check for and fix any plumbing issues that you may have on your property.

Protect Your Landscaping from Fire Hazards

The heat of summer also poses fire risks if your area is particularly dry during this time of the year. Protect the landscaping from outdoor fires by removing any dry weeds, fallen leaves, and any other materials that can ignite if a fire broke out outside your property.

Get Ready for Your Summer Guests

This is the time to clear out any items you had stored in the guest wing of your home. Bring fresh towels in, lay the bed, and place a basket containing bottles of water in a visible place. It is also necessary to get all the needed toiletries into the room before your guests arrive. A bunk or trundle bed is a good idea if your overnight guests may have kids.

Repair or Replace Fence or Garage Door Components

Inspect your fence and identify any components that are old or in disrepair. This is a more taxing home remodel project in Appleton, WI so doesn’t hesitate to reach out for professional help if you aren’t up to the task. If you are handy with tools and have ample time, then, by all means, do it with one or more of your family members.

When was the last time you checked your garage door? Wear and tear naturally happens over time. Our friends at LMS Garage Doors, recommend annual garage door maintenance to avoid garage door replacement.

Assess the Safety Measures of Your Pool

If you have a pool, now is the time to check and upgrade the safety measures that are in place to safeguard your kids, family members, and guests from avoidable risks. Do you have a safety cover on the pool? Is the gate up to code? Is the pool fence free from damage? Ask a professional to help you upgrade any safety mechanisms that are required by law or those you wish to include as extra layers of protection. The additional features you can consider include an alarm that lets you know when someone opens the pool gate.

This to-do list is by no means complete, but you can use it as a handy guide to jogging your memory about the other things that you need to get done in and around your home. For all your plumbing-related remodel projects, contact Tureks Plumbing Services, and we will be glad to help make your dream home a reality.

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Top 10 Tips for Increasing Your Home’s Value

Friday, June 28th, 2019

top tips for increasing your homes valueIf you aren’t planning on staying in your home for the rest of your life, you may want to consider remodeling or making improvements to the property. Here are 10 of the most powerful ways to increase the value of your home as revealed by the plumbers from Tureks Plumbing Services. This list was created after compiling the views expressed by the homeowners who talked to these plumbers as plumbing work was being done on the property.

Pay Special Attention to the Kitchen

Regardless of how enthusiastic or lukewarm you are about cooking, a home’s kitchen is sure to be a popular room in your home. The greatest return on investment can therefore be obtained by making improvements to the kitchen in your home. Those improvements can be as small as replacing a broken faucet, or as comprehensive as installing new appliances or new cabinets. If you remodel your kitchen, potential buyers will be impressed with what you have done and your home will stand out from all the others on the market in your area.

Don’t Neglect the Bathroom

The bathroom is an essential part of one’s home. So, you can bet that your bathroom will play a role in determining whether a potential buyer will love or hate your home. This relatively small space can be upgraded by simply giving it a new coat of paint or installing a new vanity and other fixtures. The plumbing experts at Tureks Plumbing Services can take a look and advise on what needs urgent attention for an incredible bathroom remodel.

Curb Appeal and First Impressions…

What a potential homebuyer sees first once they approach or step onto a property forms a lasting impression that is hard to shake off. Make that first impression count in your favor by improving the curb appeal of your property. Fix any damage to the walkways, give the exterior walls a fresh coat of paint and keep the lawn well-tended. If you want to buy new plants for the yard, be careful and select only those which won’t be difficult to maintain since the cost of maintaining those plants may discourage some potential buyers.

Go for Energy-Efficiency

You can’t go wrong today if you choose to implement upgrades that make your home more energy-efficient. These upgrades can vary from switching to energy-efficient LED bulbs to installing a solar system on the roof. We asked our friends at Gilmore Heating & Air, a Placerville heating & air company, about energy-efficiency HVAC systems. The HVAC professionals agree that energy-efficiency is the way to go, especially if you’re looking to sell your house. A new HVAC system is what people often look for when buying a home. The improvements that you make will attract those who are conscious about the environmental footprint of their homes.

Repaint the Entire Home

One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to improve the appeal of your home is by repainting the entire property. However, you should be mindful that your personal color preferences may not mirror those of other people, so select colors which are less likely to put off a lot of people. Neutral colors, such as cream and off-white tend to have a bigger appeal than shouting colors, such as red or purple. Go for lighter colors and you will increase the pool of the people who will fall in love with your home when they view it.

Get as Much Storage as Possible

No one will ever say that a home has too much storage space for their needs. Just think about it, wouldn’t you do with a little more storage space in your home right now? As you remodel your home, think of all the creative ways through which you can increase the storage capacity of that home. For example, plumbers in Appleton, WI have seen homeowners singing the praises of how helpful the pullout storage underneath the stairs is. If you can create more storage space, homebuyers will love your home.

Custom Closets for the Master and Mistress of the Home

No homebuyer will not have a big smile on their face when they see a large walk-in closet in the master bedroom. If you don’t already have one, make this your number one upgrade for the master bedroom. The beauty of getting this luxury is that you can see what is available on the market and select what is within your budget. The next person to live in that home will be glad you invested in those custom closets.

Make the Home Look Larger

Perception plays a big role as homebuyers are making a decision on whether to acquire the home or not. For that reason, it is wise for you to think of ways to make each room look larger than it may be in reality. One way to achieve this perception of spaciousness is by selecting furniture whose dimensions are ideal for the space available. Furniture that is too large for a room can make that room appear to be smaller than it is.

Maintain the Character of the Home 

Not everyone is looking for a home that is decked out in the latest fashion. As you may know, tastes and preferences differ, so your home built in accordance with an older tradition may be a gem if you get vintage furniture for it during the remodeling project. That may just be the home someone has been looking for, and you will smile all the way to the bank if you ever decide to sell it.

Have the Home Organized Professionally

You may be amazed by what a professional organizer can do when you ask them to organize your home just before potential buyers come to view it. Professionals can put everything in its place and leave the home looking clutter-free. The way the home is organized will give buyers an idea of how to organize their belongings once they move in, and that unconscious impression may tip the scales in your favor.

As you can see, there is no shortage of design tips if you want to remodel your home with the intention of catching the eye of future homebuyers when you finally decide to put the home on the market. Needless to say, our experts at Tureks Plumbing Services will be available to help with any plumbing issues during your home improvement project. Get in touch and leave the rest to us! We hope you’ve enjoyed these tips for increasing your home’s value.

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How to Unclog Your Shower Drain

Thursday, April 25th, 2019

how to unclog your shower drainHow to Unclog Your Shower Drain

Usually, the shower drain will start to gradually clog up. One of the first signs you may notice regarding this problem is when water starts reaching ankle-deep while you take a shower. When this happens, you may be at a loss regarding which method you should use to fix the problem. Follow the tips suggested below by the experts at Tureks Plumbing Services to learn how to unclog your shower drain.

Assemble Your Tools

Before you start, you need to gather and assemble everything that you need to complete this task. The tools you are likely to require may include screwdrivers, a straightened coat hanger or a drain claw. You may also need white vinegar, baking powder, latex gloves, and a plastic garbage bag. This plastic garbage bag will be a receptacle for the debris you retrieve from the drain. Place all these items in a bucket so that they are within easy reach while you work.

An experienced plumber in Appleton, WI also recommends that you get a plumber’s snake, a toilet plunger, a chemical drain cleaner, and pliers. Add these to your collection of tools and you should be well on your way to a clean shower drain.

Snoop Around

Get a screwdriver and use it to remove the drain strainer cover. Next, take the flashlight and shine it into the drain. Peek inside and find out whether you can see the clog blocking the shower drain. If you can see it, put on the latex gloves and use a drain claw to pull the clog out of the drain. If you don’t have a drain claw, then a straightened coat hanger with a hook made using a pair of pliers will suffice for this task.

Once the visible clog is out, run some hot water and observe whether the drain is working properly.

Time for Some Pressure

If the water is still draining slowly, a Fox Valley plumber suggests that it may be time for you to switch to the next strategy in your fight against the clog. This other measure entails using a plunger to apply some pressure within the drain pipe so that the clog can hopefully be dislodged.

Apply some petroleum jelly on the rim of the plunger so that it can form a tighter seal on the drain opening. Pump the plunger multiple times for several minutes so that pressure accumulates and pushes the clog down the drain. Run some hot water and see if the water drains swiftly.

Snake It Out

If the plunger doesn’t produce the desired outcome, switch to using a manual plumber’s snake to break up the clog. Experts at Tureks Plumbing Services suggest that you first push the snake gently into the drain until it stops moving. That is your cue that the clog has been reached. At this point, crank the handle so that the head of the plumbing snake can cut through the clog and force the fragments to move down the drain.

Once again, run hot water through the drain. Repeat using the plumber’s snake if the water is still draining slowly.

Plan a Natural Attack

You can also use natural ways to unclog your blocked shower drain. One of the best natural remedies involves the use of hot water, baking soda and vinegar. For this approach, you first pour boiling water down the drain and then pour a cup of baking soda and another of vinegar into the drain.

This mixture will react with the clog and break it up into smaller pieces. Flush more hot water down the drain and chances are the water will drain fast.

Another natural method entails adding water pressure to the power of vinegar and baking soda. For this technique, Fox Valley plumbers advise that you start by pouring a cup of baking soda and another of vinegar down the drain. After that, place a drain cover on the drain opening so that water cannot flow into the drain. Once that is done, run some hot water and leave that water to sit for about 10 minutes.

This water will create a pressure difference between the interior of the drain and the air above. After ten minutes, remove the drain cover and the onrush of water into the drain may have sufficient power to dislodge the clog and push it through the drainage system.

Launch a Chemical Attack

The last trick up your sleeve when all the measures above don’t unclog the shower drain is a chemical drain cleaner purchased from a convenience store near you. Fox Valley plumbers caution that you should follow the usage instructions provided so that you don’t put yourself or the drainage system at risk. Repeat the use of a chemical drain cleaner after a day or so until the drain is working properly.

Contact Tureks Plumbing Services if the suggestions above if you’re still having a drain problem. Our experts will perform a thorough inspection and design the most cost-effective treatment plan to unclog the shower drain so that you can enjoy your showers without fearing that the water will flow out and flood the nearby rooms.

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