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Why Your Home Water May Be Slow

One of the worst problems that any homeowner can ever have to deal with is a sewer backup. We’ve received many plumbing emergency calls from Appleton, Wisconsin homeowners asking Tureks Plumbing Services for help. Almost every time it’s a sewer backup. So, we’ve compiled the following common causes of why your home water may be slow so that you can know how to avert the avoidable factors behind this serious problem.

Tree Roots in Your Sewer Line 

Tree roots tend to grow towards the places where nutrients and moisture are available. If a tree root penetrates the sewer pipe, that root will eventually grow large and cause a blockage within the sewer pipe. Before long, you will notice that sewage is flowing slowly or even backing up within your home.

Don’t be deceived into thinking that this problem will not occur to you since you don’t have any trees in your yard. Roots can spread from a neighboring property and into your yard, so Appleton plumbers say roots from a neighboring property have the potential to cause sewer line problems in your home.

If you have trees on your property and you suspect that they could trigger sewer backup problems, talk to an Appleton, Wisconsin plumber from Tureks Plumbing Services and he or she will conduct a thorough inspection of the sewer line to ascertain whether tree root intrusion has occurred or is likely to occur. The necessary preventive steps can then be taken to either remove the roots in the pipes or apply root killers to prevent nearby roots from perforating the sewer line.

Sewer Line Clogs

Sewer line clogs are one of the most common reasons why wastewater will flow slowly or back up into your home. Appleton, Wisconsin drain repair professionals, say that most clogs arise because drains aren’t being used properly.

For example, when some members of your household use the toilet as their wastebasket, the things that they dump into the toilet will cause a clog to develop sooner rather than later. A clear example is when feminine hygiene products are routinely flushed down the toilet. These don’t degrade quickly enough, so a clog ends up developing and causing a sewer backup.

Secondly, the improper use of the garbage disposal in the kitchen can also contribute to the slow flow of sewage on your property. For instance, when large quantities of kitchen wastes are dumped into the disposal, those materials will block a section of the sewer pipe over time, and a clog will form. The experts at Tureks Plumbing Services in Appleton, Wisconsin, therefore, advise homeowners to dump small quantities of kitchen wastes at a time and then run tap water through the garbage disposal to ensure that the wastes have gone through the system neatly.

Grease and fats are another reason why sewer backups can occur in homes. When these materials are poured down the kitchen drain, they cool and solidify within the sewer pipes. Over time, different forms of debris bunch together at the points where this grease and fat has accumulated on the walls of the pipe, and a clog becomes inevitable. The resulting sewer backup can be difficult to fix conclusively until the grease and fats sticking to the sewer pipe walls are removed using hydro-jetting or any other appropriate method. An Appleton plumber can assess the situation and select the most appropriate way to get a long-term solution.

A Collapsed or Broken Sewer Line

Most sewer pipes over 20 years old are made from clay or cast iron. As those materials age, they weaken and collapse in sections. These collapsed or broken sewer pipes often cause the flow of wastes to slow down. Backups can also result when the sewer pipe breaks or collapses.

Newer homes aren’t immune to broken or collapsed sewer pipes because this problem can be triggered by several factors. For example, Appleton plumbers have often been called to repair sewer lines that collapse after a heavy vehicle is driven over them during a home improvement project.

Earth movements can also cause a sewer line to collapse. Talk to a professional at Tureks Plumbing Services if you notice that the flow of sewage is slow after a particularly heavy bout of rain. This can also be caused by excavation work has been done on your property or that of a neighbor. The soil around the sewer pipe may have shifted because of those activities. Resulting in the sewer backups you are noticing. This  may be the effects of that soil movement.

Downspouts, Sump Pumps, and Gutters Connected to the Sewer System

Connecting the downspouts, gutters and sump pump to the sewer system can be a ticking time bomb. When the snow melts, or there is heavy rain, the sewer system can be overwhelmed. Large quantities of water flowing into it can cause unnecessary sewer damage. When this happens, you are likely to observe that sewage will flow slowly. It may even back up if a deluge of water gets into the sewer system all at once.

Tureks Plumbing Services in Appleton, Wisconsin doesn’t always recommend that the downspouts be connected to the sewer system. These should be channeled into the stormwater drainage system since it is designed to carry away such water runoff.

Municipal Sewer Problems

Sometimes, the slow-flowing sewage on your property is as a result of problems with the municipal sewer system. For example, if the municipal sewer system has a clog, sewage may back up within your property.

In most cases, issues on the municipal sewer system aren’t your responsibility as a homeowner, but you need to consult your local Appleton plumber from Tureks Plumbing Services so that if it is found that the defect causing the backup isn’t on your property, then the utility company can be notified to rectify the problem.

As you can see, many of the reasons why sewage may flow slowly are within your control as a homeowner. If lack the knowledge on how to manage those sewer issues, Tureks Plumbing Services can help. Give us a call today and we’ll help you with your plumbing service needs.

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