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Does Your Home Need to be Repiped?

Did you know that your home’s plumbing system has to be overhauled after a period of years? If you have a relatively newer home that was built in the last several decades, this probably isn’t something you need to think about yet. But if you have an older home, it may be time to consider repiping. 

If you’ve been looking for a repiping contractor in Appleton, you are in the right place. Our team is here to help with all of your plumbing needs, no matter how big or small they are. You can keep reading to learn more about some of the signs that can indicate your home needs a completely new plumbing system.

Pipe Materials and Age

First, you want to consider the type of materials that your pipes were made from. Materials like galvanized steel, cast iron, or brass last the longest and typically only need to be replaced after 80 to 100 years. Copper pipes need to be replaced closer to the 70 to 80-year range. If your home has PVC piping, it needs to be replaced somewhere between the 25 to 50-year range.

If you are not sure what type of piping materials your home has, our team can complete an assessment and offer a recommendation. Based on your home’s age, and the overall condition of the pipes, we can give you an idea of whether or not it is time to consider repiping your home. If it’s not quite time yet, we may be able to offer an estimate so you can plan ahead for the project.

Water Changes

Aside from home age or plumbing age, you can also look for signs in your water that indicate whole-house repiping may be in your future. For example, you may notice that there is significantly lower water pressure leading into your faucets. When this happens, pipes that bring water into your home may be corroded enough that water is leaking out before ever reaching your home and causing low water pressure.

Or maybe you notice that your water is discolored. Since corrosion can lead to rust, sometimes water has an orange tinge to it as pipes age. If both your hot and cold water have a rusty color, your plumbing system is likely to blame. But if only your hot water is discolored, it’s more than likely your water heater that is to blame.

Plumbing Problems

Other plumbing problems can also point to a need for repiping. One example of this would be persistent clogs. Sometimes corrosion can make clogs more likely since the inside lining of a pipe wears down. As particles collect against the abrasive surface, they can attract other particles until a dense clog forms.

Clogs are fairly common and aren’t necessarily a major concern unless they are persistent or you are dealing with clogs across multiple rooms in your home. If you’re concerned about the frequency of clogs, we can take a deeper look at your plumbing system to see if aging pipes are to blame.

Trust Tureks Plumbing Services for Terrific People, Terrific Service. Get in touch with our team today.

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