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4 Bad Habits to Break When it Comes to Household Water Use

Do you have any bad plumbing habits that are negatively impacting your drains and appliances? You may not even realize that some of the things you do are bad at all. We’re highlighting four of the most common bad habits we see and talking more about what you can do to fix them.

Aside from breaking these bad habits, we also recommend that you schedule professional plumbing service in De Pere at least once per year. You can keep reading to learn about ways to improve your plumbing habits and save yourself from plumbing troubles down the road. 

Using Chemical Drain Cleaners

If your sinks or tubs begin to drain slowly, it’s tempting to stop and grab a chemical drain cleaner. They boast the ability to break down even the toughest clogs, and often they do provide a short-term solution. However, the risks associated with drain cleaning chemical chemicals are greater than the benefits.

In addition to breaking down tough clogs, they are also damaging your pipes and other plumbing fixtures as well because they’re so abrasive. Worse, they can actually leave behind a residue in your drains that makes it more likely for your drains to develop plugs again in the near future.

Using Your Toilet as a Trash Can

We know that it can be tempting to toss bathroom trash in your toilet and flush it. After all, how much harm can it really do? But flushing things like non-flushable wipes, Q-tips, and other objects can really hurt your plumbing system and the sewer system at large. 

Instead, keep a small trash can in your bathroom. You can use a small plastic bag to line it so that taking out bathroom trash is easy once the trash can fills up. This will prevent tough plumbing problems deep in your plumbing system.

Hair in Your Drain

You may think that hair going down the drain in your shower or tub is inevitable. However, hair is one of the things that causes tough drain clogs. The small strands stick to the sides of pipes and then collect more and more debris until a tough clog develops.

Cover your drains with a finely woven mesh drain cover to capture all of the hair. Then when you’re done showering, wipe down the mesh drain cover to throw the hair away and put the cover back in place for the next person. 

It’s easy to think that you’re good about catching hair before it goes down the drain, but think about this: if just one strand of hair goes down your drain each day, that’s 365 strands of hair per year. That can add up very quickly to a major plumbing problem.

Ignoring Drips

You may be used to seeing one or more of your sinks drip water when it is not in use. It’s easy to get used to seeing this drip and forget that it’s a problem. However, drips are costing you money on your monthly water bill. 

Plus, they point to a larger problem that needs to be addressed. Either your faucets are loose and need to be tightened or there is some other issue contributing to the leak. Putting off addressing it can mean dealing with a bigger problem later on.

Trust Tureks Plumbing Services for Terrific People, Terrific Service. Get in touch with our team today.

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