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5 Kitchen Plumbing Hacks That Can Help You Today

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There is a revolution happening in the 21st-century kitchen. More folks than ever before are having access to amazing recipes from award-winning chefs through the use of social media and the internet. It’s never been easier to go to the grocery store and make your favorite recipe than it is today–if you’ve got the plumbing system for it.

Your plumbing needs to be in good shape if it’s going to handle the new wave of foodies that want to try your cooking. And plus, a good kitchen plumbing system will go a long way toward keeping your home clean and smelling fresh.

The master plumbers at Tureks Plumbing Service can help keep your home sparkling clean and functioning properly with a little bit of maintenance or repairs. When something serious happens, you can count on us. But here are a few extra hacks that could help you avoid the need for a kitchen plumber in Appleton.

The Best Plumbing Hacks to Save Time and Money

Let’s talk about the easiest and most effective ways to hack your home plumbing system and save some money.

  1. Use a mesh screen to catch waste. Mesh screens are great tools for capturing waste before it enters your plumbing system. They might seem frustrating because you have to dump them out in the garbage every day or so, but remember that without this kind of protection, all of that waste would be entering your drain and contributing to a clog. So, if you’d like to avoid the risk of drain cleaning being a requirement, use a mesh screen.
  2. Keep a sink plunger and a drain snake handy. Did you know that there are different size plungers? Sink plungers are different from toilet plungers, and they’re extremely valuable to have on hand in the event of a small clog. Keep one under the sink nearby. We’d also recommend keeping a drain snake nearby to give you a boost when a stubborn clog just won’t go away.
  3. Avoid flushing grease, fats, or oils down the drain at all costs. Fats, oils, and greases (known as FOGs) are terrible for your drain. They’re liquid at higher temperatures but turn to solids when they cool down. This means that they’ll flow into your drain but will solidify and refuse to flow out. Make sure you throw these materials in the garbage.
  4. Know the general age and material of your kitchen plumbing. One good plumbing hack is to be familiar with the plumbing materials in your kitchen and the relative age of your appliances. These systems don’t last forever, so knowing when the best time to invest in a replacement is a great way to save money on frequent repairs and to get better long-term solutions.
  5. Invest in proper drain cleaning by a licensed professional plumber. When all else fails, drain cleaning is a simple and effective tool that can alleviate your home plumbing concerns. Most people wait until it’s already been a few hours or days before they call a plumber, not realizing that we can alleviate the problem in minutes.

Trust Tureks Plumbing Services for Terrific People, Terrific Service. Get in touch with our team today.

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