Tureks Plumbing Services Blog: Archive for the ‘Toilets’ Category


Thursday, March 9th, 2017

Do Not Flush These Objects Into Your Toilet

There are only two things that need to be flushed down a toilet: human waste and regular toilet paper.

There is one reason why a clogged toilet is one of the leading plumbing problems in a household. People throw things into the toilet that they shouldn’t.

Some people think of the toilet as another trash can where they can dispose of anything they like. But when you throw foreign objects into the toilet, you will not only cause clogs in the toilet. Apart from that, you can experience other problems like damage to the septic tank and pollution. Furthermore, you will need to spend money to fix these problems.

What are the objects that you should not throw into the toilet?

Food and cooking oil/grease

Some homeowners think that it is all right to throw grease into the toilet because it is a liquid. However, grease can congeal when it cools down. And when that happens, the solidified grease can clog the pipes.

Cleaning pads and wet wipes

Plumbers from around the country have seen a marked increase in toilet clogs and backups in sewage pipes. The culprit? Wet wipes.

Instead of throwing used wipes into the toilet, find a trash can and throw these there.

Dental floss

Dental floss is non-biodegradable. Over time, as more of this item accumulates in the toilet, it can cause clogs.

Cotton balls and Q-tips

Cotton does not break down after you flush it down the toilet. Instead, it accumulates and forms clumps which then cause clogs, especially in areas where the pipes bend.


Diapers expand when these are put underwater, making them difficult to flush down toilets. However, if you manage to flush one, it can get caught in the bend of the pipe and cause a clog.

Expired pills

If you find expired pills in your medicine cabinet, do not flush these down the toilet. Although these will not cause the toilet to clog, it can cause water pollution. And when the water you flush down the toilet finds its way to the groundwater supply, it can harm wildlife.

Tissues and paper towels

If you prefer to use paper towels and tissues, do not throw these into the toilet. Unlike regular toilet papers, these do not dissolve in the water.

Cigarette butts

If you must smoke in a bathroom, dispose of your cigarette butts properly. When you throw cigarette butts into the toilet, these will simply float on the water. And when the water flushed down the toilet gets to the groundwater supply, that water will be loaded with lots of harmful chemicals.

Have a clogged toilet? Contact us for help!

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7 Bathroom Renovation Tips to Consider

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

If you’re thinking of upgrading the look and function of your bathroom, it’s crucial to look into maintenance considerations to ensure your fullest satisfaction from this project. You need to make sure that with the new style and use you’ll get out of this important investment, you will not be compromised by the more difficult cleaning or safety concerns it may require.

To help you with these, professional bathroom remodelers Applegate and Fox Valley residents hire share seven of the most important bathroom renovation tips to consider.

Choose the right tiles for flooring

It’s best to go with tiles that are non-porous. Not only are they easier to clean, they won’t get stained easily as well. Your best options are glazed and porcelain tiles that have some texture to them – aside from being easier to clean, they’re safer to walk on as well.

Choose the best grout on the market

Non-porous urethane formulas are pricey but they set really quickly, don’t crack, don’t get stained (setting off the nice color of your tiles), and they don’t need sealing.

Use acrylic or hybrid formula caulk with mildewcide

These are much easier to replace though they actually last for a much longer time. You want to make sure that caulking around bathroom equipment looks nice and smooth for as long as possible. Caulking is also a breeze to remove over time.

Make sure electrical wiring and sockets are in strategic locations

Convenience when using electronic devices in your bathroom is a must; this can also make use of electronic devices safer. Proper wiring will also help enhance the effects of lighting fixtures.

Take into consideration the height of all users

You want to make sure all pieces of bathroom equipment are easily accessible. When the kids grow up, you may want to buy steps that will help them reach things without any trouble, or have bars installed that they can hold on to for safer footing – especially when getting in the tub.

Create niches for bath essentials

Having built-in storage spaces for your bath essentials can reduce clutter in the bathroom – you won’t have to buy cubbies and storage boxes that need to be replaced over time.

Invest in a really good toilet

If your budget will allow it, don’t think twice about purchasing a “toilet for the future.”  This investment can take time in the loo to a whole new level of water-efficiency and comfort.

If you’d like more tips and tricks, visit our website!

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